When you can't afford to be wrong because money is on the line, trust in the Cal Coast Fishing 'Money Beam' Culling Beam to quickly identify your best five catches! Time management is of the utmost importance during tournaments, and that's exactly why the Money Beam is constructed with a lightweight, corrosion-resistant design so you can store it right inside of your live well. A float located at the top of the culling beam gives you snatch-and-grab access when the clock is ticking, and every ounce counts! Built with grooved notches on the top and curled hangers on the bottom, the Money Beam accommodates different styles of cull tags.
Key features and benefits:
- Quickly identify your five best catches!
- Lightweight and floats
- Corrosion-resistant
- Store in your live well or other small compartments
- Accommodates different style cull tags
Frequently purchased with the .